Within the framework of the project, each participating organisation must organise 3 to 3 STAGE day programmes around its own presentation. The KÓD Teátrum has also held its progam 2022. 27 February.
The STAGE Day consists of a presentation of the performance, a discussion about the performance with the authors and a professional discussion moderated by experts with parents and teachers, as well as with the participants.
Using the experience of STAGE day, the performance can be further clarified and developed during the project, and it is also a good experience for the producers to see how the audience reacts.
A performance by KÓD Theatre:

“Dear viewers! Living and dealing with our common traumas in a different way from our own can cause anger and aggression in many. Therefore, please receive our performance with appropriate openness and acceptance. With thanks to “Code Theatre”
The angels have fallen asleep – Quarantine moments
The troupe wrote their own monologues and songs about the quarantines, changes, new obstacles and new experiences during the pandemic. The performance also includes song arrangements and transcriptions, as well as his own recorded improvisation scenes.
The troupe wrote their own monologues and songs about the quarantines, changes, new obstacles and new experiences during the pandemic. The performance also includes song arrangements and transcriptions, as well as his own recorded improvisation scenes.

The STAGE Day programme was:
- The angels have fallen asleep – Presentation of the performance “Quarantine Moments” (approx. 90 min)
- 10 minute break
- Discussion with experts (Dr. Katalin Baracsi, internet lawyer and Gergő Villányi, psychological counsellor) (approx. 45 min)
- 10 minute break
- Professional consultation on the presentation (how was it made? how can a presentation like this be made?, what materials were used?, how did we start the process?, etc.) (approx. 45 min)
- Evaluation (satisfaction survey) (approx. 20 minutes)