An association of 3 different countries ( Kölcsey Ferenc High School, Satu Mare , DigiQ Bratislava and KÓD Teátrum from Budapest) worked together for a whole week as a joint mission within the framework of a fantastic programme.
At first glance, this may not sound like a simple mission, BUT more than 50 wonderful people were able to work together without any barriers of language, age or culture!
Unfortunately, in the more than 1 year of the STAGE erasmus+ project, a meeting of this size could not be organised, but this week in August will forget all the sadness/limitation of COVID (which was the point of our application)!
Joint training sessions, creative workshops, mentor training and mentor programmes, singing and dancing exercises, performances, cultural evenings, excursions and of course, a lot of fun characterised our busy week!
The application included a joint camp for the 3 companies and training for the participants of the mentoring programme, so we could be together in 2022. 1 August. and 2022. between 8 August.